We just got in our editions of “Batman: Odyssey” Hard Cover! It looks Fantastic! Gorgeous printing! A book full of spectacular art! Neal Adams, a giant in this industry, has returned to the character he put back into the darkness. “Batman”! This is Batman’s Odyssey, a completely new vision of Batman’s world. Neal designs new vistas for future stories as well as explaining the past. If you are a true Neal Adams Batman fan and if you read it carefully you will see that Neal picks up loose pieces that were left behind from his original Batman run. Like in Batman #232, Page 4, Panel 1. Neal picks the story up again on Page 164, Panel 6 in Batman: Odyssey. Now let’s talk about the line-up of characters. All the characters we love that Neal has written and drawn in his career appear in Odyssey. Batman, Robin, Ra’s Al Ghul, Talia, Deadman, Joker, ManBat, Ubu, Sensei, The League of Assassins, and many more new ones. Then there is the line up of the best inkers in our field. Scott Williams (Thank you Jim Lee for loaning him to us) Bill Sienkiewicz, a star in his own right, Kevin Nowlan, an [...]