Guardian Project & Batman
Okay, you’re right. But… I’ve been busy.“Doing what?” you say.heh heh.Thirty covers of thirty new characters which represent all thirty teams of the National Hockey League. Is that cool or what?can I show them to you? Ummmm.. Darn it, no. I’m sorry. As soon as I can, I will show you.There’s also a poster for the same project that I did that has all thirty characters on it a once. It was printed with the characters in shadow for a pre-publicity poster and given away at the NY Comic Con. Here it is…. with the shadow. BatmanI’ve been working with Bill Sienkiewicz on the inking of book 6. Pretty interesting experience. What a talented guy.Batman has been battered for 5 issues and has seemed to be in control. But, as we are finding out, “Control” is a matter of perspective, and opinion. Now, in issue #6, things go from surface difficult to very dense… and dark.If you haven’t read each and every issue, I suggest you catch up NOW.