Joe Kubert, Moebius and myself on French TV 1972
You have got to see this set of videos! Last century (heh heh) all the comic book artists from all over Europe came to the US, in a kind of International Comic Con, sponsored, on our end, by the Cartoonist’s society. (Cause we comic artists had no money.) The French take their comic books very seriously. They even have TV shows that feature comic books. They brought their host and crew to New York and interviewed myself, Joe Kubert, and Jean Giraud (Moebius) all together. Video September 1972 Video October 1972 Thing is, they had this giant pad of paper for all of us to draw on. Up until now, these two videos have only been seen in Europe, but here it is for you to see. Yes, I know my hair is silly. And the sideburns… well… it was the style then. 1972. God I looked stupid. Anyway, for your perusal.