Just want to remind everyone that the “Batman By Neal Adams Omnibus Hard Cover” is being solicited by Diamond now ! It is not to late to order your Neal Adams [...]
BLOOD After a vicious battle, Lionel, who is Jorge Maslow’s only true friend, reveals the beginning of the secret history of Blood and his alien compatriots. These aliens [...]
Blacksad: Amarillo was translated by, of all people, Neal Adams, a pretty darn famous comic book artist and writer. He actually begged to do the translation. For free if [...]
HEY WHATS GOING ON WITH ALL THIS PAINTING!!!!!! Neal has been painting at Comic Conventions as of late. He is really enjoying himself and people at the conventions [...]
Here is a section of “Blood – the Motion Comic”, based on the upcoming Dark Horse Graphic Novel by Neal Adams. Neal and Continuity are trying to make motion comics look [...]
NEAL ADAMS SIGNING TODAY AT ZAPP COMICS IN WAYNE NJ !!!!! ALL DAY !!!!!!! FROM 11:00 TO 7:00 TODAY!!!!!!!!!! 2015/09/02 574 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ [...]
THESE WERE THE MOST POPULAR ITEMS AT WIZARD WORLD CHICAGO LAST WEEKEND! Neal was working on finishing up a commission at the Chicago Con last weekend this way the owner of [...]
Yes I’m Back and I’m going to ask for some help from you guys! What do you want to see on our site? Just email me at kris@nealadams.com and I will see if I can make it [...]