Neal Adams and Blacksad?

Blacksad: Amarillo was translated by, of all people, Neal Adams, a pretty darn famous comic book artist and writer. He actually begged to do the translation. For free if necessary, although Dark Horse insisted on paying him. He begged editor Diana Schutz because he’s such a fan of writer Juan Diaz Canales and artist Juanjo Guarnido and their noir feature Blacksad. Dark Horse Comics has printed all five volumes of Blacksad in English, but Amarillo is unique. When Neal Adams read the first book “Somewhere Between the Shadows”, he realized that it had been simply translated, and not nuanced with American idioms. So all these beautiful illustrations were sometimes awkward to read. So Neal begged. And they let him do it. And Neal is happy.
Blacksad: Amarillo, arguably one of the best foreign comic series produced in the past decade, was the winner of a 2015 Eisner Award for Best U.S. Edition of Foreign Material at the San Diego Con and nominated for a 2015 Harvey Award for Best U.S. Edition of Foreign Material. The Harvey Awards will be presented on 9/26 at the Baltimore Convention.
Neal will be at the Baltimore show for all days so make sure to buy a Blacksad book and have Neal sign it!
Hope to see you all in Baltimore
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