Day 8 – Coming of the Supermen – Parademons

They aren’t just demons…they’re PARADEMONS!
Created in 1971 by Jack Kirby, these creatures are loyal completely to Darkseid. The armored Parademons carry powerful energy weapons built in the fire-pits of Apokolips and work in concert with Kalibak. When acting together, the thousands of Parademons can overwhelm even the toughest heroes. They are chosen from the most sociopathic and cruel beings of Darkseid’s populace and then given gliders and trained in combat. They are Darkseid’s first wave of Shock Troops and are often accompanied by gigantic mutant dogs called Hounds.
February, 2016 is Neal Adams month. A six-issue series entitled “The Coming of the Supermen” starts in FEBRUARY, 2016.
Make sure to tell your retailer and secure your copy!!
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