Bucky O’Hare Figures and Coloring Book – Pre-orders

Boss Fight Studios, working with Neal Adams Continuity Studios, has been working on an exciting new line of Bucky O’Hare figures. These are not the old Bucky figures from the 90’s. These figures are expertly sculpted and articulated, with a variety of character customizations including facial expressions and hand positions. This line is highly collectible.
Wave 1 starts with Bucky O’hare, The Captain of the Righteous Indignation, and Jenny The Aldeberan Cat , Bucky’s copilot. Jenny was never released in the original series, but has been voiced and desired by fans.
Plans are already in the works for more Bucky O’Hare figures…
Pre-orders are being taken now for the first wave.
See more at https://bossfightshop.com/
We at Continuity are very excited for the return of Bucky O’ Hare figures and will be releasing The “Bucky O’Hare Coloring Book” in July. This is a fantastic coloring book that has the first 48 pages of Michael Golden Bucky O’ Hare Graphic Novel pages in Black and White ( Never shown this way before) followed by another story of Bucky O’Hare adventures followed by some Great activity pages. This isn’t your old style coloring book from your childhood.. This is a 96 page black and white book containing like I said the Original Black and White Graphic Novel pages by Larry Hama and Michael Golden, and includes a new story by Peter Stone, Andre Coates and Joel Adams…
Pre-order now at: http://www.nealadamsstore.com/Pre-Order–Bucky-OHare-Coloring-book_p_1486.html
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