Coming of the Supermen promo poster

This is the promotional poster sent out to retailers to prepare for the February 17th release date, of “Coming of the Supermen” showing the first issue’s epic cover. This issue features the return of DC Comic’s most iconic hero to his original state…and the most insidious villains the DC universe has ever seen. Neal Adams, one of the most influential and original artists in comic book history, writes and draws a new saga of the Superman history, Bringing together the Man of Tomorrow, [the creation of two boys named Jerry and Joe from Cleveland] and the DC legacy of Jack Kirby, to create a threat so epic it will take more than one man of steel to handle!
This is YOUR Superman!
February, 2016 is an epic Neal Adams month! 27 alternate covers AND a special six-issue series entitled “The Coming of the Supermen” starts FEBRUARY 17th, 2016.
Make sure to tell your retailer and secure your copy!!
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