Day 14 – Coming Of The Supermen – Lois Lane

LOIS LANE sporting a new haircut! (Maybe for Christmas…?)
The classic version of the Man of Steel’s true love is an integral part of this story even if she is still confused by why Clark Kent always takes the stairs and she takes the elevator. Neal Adams on Lois – “She’s a modern capable woman who works for the biggest most powerful news organization on the planet and…well…Superman is always the biggest story around. I want Lois to be beautiful and modern…the kind of woman Superman doesn’t mind saving every day. And does. Even in this story Lois gets into trouble and Supes has gotta save her. She’s really the best!”
February, 2016 is Neal Adams month. A six-issue series entitled “The Coming of the Supermen” starts in FEBRUARY, 2016.
Make sure to tell your retailer and secure your copy!!
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