Neal Adams Batman Omnibus – Tell your Store Now!

Just want to remind everyone that the “Batman By Neal Adams Omnibus Hard Cover” is being solicited by Diamond now ! It is not to late to order your Neal Adams Batman Omnibus through your retailer. Just tell your store owner you are interested in getting one. It will have all of Neal’s Batman material collected into one Book. It has Bob Haney stories, Denny O ‘Neal stories, Neal Adams Stories, Ras Al Ghul, ManBat, Batman Odyssey, Batman Zombie. A lot of famous Batman Neal Adams Covers. Yes you might need a crane to carry this book for you ? But if you are a Neal Adams Batman fan this is the BOOK! for you! They’ll sell out before you know it and you won’t be able to get a copy just like the Green Lantern Green Arrow Hard Cover slipcase edition that came out a while ago. It will be to hard for us to ship them around and sell them at conventions because it is a book full of pages……. 1,072 pages all of Neal Adams artwork on Batman. A must have!!!!!! Tell your retailer now!
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